Health Benefits of Tomatoes

How tomatoes can help your health and wellbeing

· Health Benefits of

Tomatoes contain many nutrients that may provide health benefits, including but not limited to the following:

  • Lycopene: A plant compound and antioxidant that may help prevent cancer and protect the heart. Lycopene may also help improve bone density and protect skin from sun damage.
  • Vitamin C: May help brighten skin and fight inflammation. Vitamin C, along with vitamin A and fiber, may also support immune health.
  • Potassium: May help lower blood pressure and reduce stress on the heart.
  • Calcium and vitamin K: May help strengthen bones and bone tissue.
  • Fiber: May help with digestion, promote healthy bowel movements, and protect against colorectal cancer. Fiber, along with being low in calories, may also help with weight loss. 

*** The information in this article was obtained from AI software via Google Search.